Artificial intelligence, referred to as “AI” for short, has had an outsized impact on nearly every aspect of human existence. If that sounds like an overstatement, it’s not— machine learning systems and generative AI tools have now been integrated into various sectors of life including healthcare, government services, industry, and education. In 2023, more than 50% of US companies reported using AI for cybersecurity/fraud management, and 97% of business owners expressed enthusiasm that AI platforms like ChatGPT will help their businesses. Several cities and municipalities have adopted protocols for how local government may use and rely upon AI as part of day-to-day duties.
Unsurprisingly, the law has lagged well behind the impressive speed of AI’s ballooning technological development. This notwithstanding, various governmental agencies, legislative bodies, and courts have begun to assemble a regulatory regime which may help answer the million-dollar question in this brave new world: who, or what, is liable when AI goes wrong?Continue Reading Artificial Intelligence, Real Liability: Who’s on the hook when things go wrong?